Morning Prayer/Evening Prayer III

Chants, Songs and Prayers
Chants, Songs and Prayers
Chants, Songs and Prayers
Chants, Songs and Prayers
Chants, Songs and Prayers
Chants, Songs and Prayers
The third volume in his best-selling series, Gregory Norbet’s Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer III is a wonderful way to consecrate each day through prayer and song. Like the previous volumes, this one follows the structure of the Liturgy of the Hours, presenting spoken prayers, readings and meditations interspersed with music. Designed for both personal prayer and communal recitation, it's perfect for small prayer groups, retreats and other gatherings of the faithful.
Through prayerful music, this beautifully recorded CD encourages us to incorporate worship into our everyday lives. Featuring Gregory on most lead vocals, it serves as accompaniment for personal prayer and a learning tool for those leading group recitation. The guitar/choral book includes harmonies, solo instrument parts and guitar chords above the staff.
Lushly designed and printed on heavy, high-quality paper, the meditation book offers words and melody for each song, as well as inspirational verses, adaptations of Scripture and space to write your own prayers and reflections. Gregory’s wife, Kathryn Carrington, a well-known artist and iconographer, co-edited and co-produced the collection, providing many of the song texts, inspirational readings and prayers
Blending new, original songs with traditional music, the collection includes hymns, psalms and chants in both English and Latin with arrangements vary from a cappella and SATB choir with strings to settings for piano, flute, oboe, English horn and cello.
Opening with bird song, church bells and “Benedicámus Dómino” and closing with “Divínum Auxílium” and the chirping of crickets, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer III is a gentle, prayerful way to begin and end each day.